facts about Leonardo da Vinci that make me want to learn more -
number A - All of his journals and notebooks were written backwards and from right to left so that in order to read them you need a mirror... thats just freaking cool. I know, I know that some people do that because of a medical problem where there brain reverses signals and what no but I still find it interesting.
2. He dissected over 30 human corpses in his life despite it being illegal. Now he didn't do this for medical reasons, they weren't autopsies. He just did it because he wanted to learn more about the human body and make his drawings more accurate. I know a lot of you are thinking that this just made him a big creepy freak who liked dead things but chances are you are very wrong due to reasons 3 and 4 (read below).
3. He was a vegetarian before people ever really thought about doing things like that, which I find inspiring.
4. He had an obsession with releasing caged birds. How lovely is that? super annoying, I imagine for people who owned the birds or were selling them at markets or what not, but still a very sweet act of kindness.
5. He was the first to discover that counting the rings on a tree could determine its age.
6. He explained why the sky was blue 300 years before molecular scattering was discovered. Now that is some super smart like stuff.
7. And lastly he was a super talented artist and inventor whose work is still loved and admired by many.
So obviously all these interesting facts add up to the reasoning that I NEED to get me a good da Vinci biography. If anyone has any recommendations let me know. x
Sunday, November 21, 2010
da da da vinci
Posted by Lesley at 7:23 PMLabels: books, leonardo do vinci, rant
Thursday, November 4, 2010
only thing thats missing is the top hat...
Posted by Lesley at 12:52 AM
I've loved Toddy's sleepwear for some time now (not that I've been able to afford any as of yet). Their onesies have always been the stand out for me and their current tuxedo style is no exception. Plus how can you say no to a functional bum flap? haha
You can find this over at http://www.toddy.com.au
Friday, October 29, 2010
news that makes me smile
Posted by Lesley at 7:20 PMOHMYGOSH! just got an email from the Patrick Wolf mailing list and it has this to say-
"The Return of Patrick Wolf
We can now announce that Patrick is getting ready to release his fifth album.
As yet without a title, we can tell you that you will be able to hear the first sounds from the album next week.
The first track to be taken from the album, 'Time Of My Life' will be getting its first play on Nick Grimshaw's Radio 1 show on Wednesday 3rd December.
Discussing the first single, Patrick says: "'Time Of My Life' is a song that I began writing at the end of a relationship in 2006 and then finished three years later during a temporary break up in my current relationship. The new album has a direct narrative about love and optimism surviving through adversity and recession. I wanted to celebrate the love and hope I have found in the last few years."
Released on December 6 'Time Of My Life' will be available on very limited edition 7" vinyl featuring a Leonard Cohen cover of 'Anthem' on the Bside."
Super excited!!!
Can not wait to hear it!
Labels: music, patrick wolf, wishlist
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Posted by Lesley at 8:58 PM
My latest want is this gloriously vibrant blush from MAC. It's from their Christmas collection, A Tartan Tale and it's called Her Blooming Cheek and I love it. Obviously a shade to use with a light hand but still. So V.pretty.
fundamentalist fun
Posted by Lesley at 7:42 PM1. Polygamy. Clearly that means drama and lots of it.

3. The theme song, God Only Knows by the Beach Boys. Gorgeous, gorgeous song. Fits the show perfectly.
4. Amanda Seyfried as Sarah Henrickson. She's so lovely. I adore pretty much any storyline that she's involved in.
5. This is your last chance to jump on the band wagon while the show's still in production as it's announced that the next season will be the last. sad.
If you don't love bowie then I don't love you
Posted by Lesley at 12:32 AMIt seems to me that the more you learn about Bowie the less you really seem to know. Clearly one of the most mysterious figures in popular culture. Love him. Love his music. Love his lovely androgynous-ness.
For anyone who loves Bowie but for whatever reason hasn't seen Velvet Goldmine then go away because obviously you're daft. Jokes... but seriously it's a BRILLIANT film based loosely on the enigma that is glam rock Bowie and I feel that everyone should watch it. Even if you think Bowie's a bit rubbish (not that I can understand how that could be but anyhow...moving on).
I'm going to go listen to Space Oddity and have a bit of a cry. Only maybe without the cry.
Labels: david bowie, music
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
these charming prints
Posted by Lesley at 11:54 PMOHMYGOSH! these prints are AMAZING and I want them all!
You can find them by clicking the link below -
I adore how they have the little Morrissey glasses at the bottom.

Labels: art, the smiths
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
having a smiths moment...
Posted by Lesley at 9:40 PM
Good times for a change
See, the luck I've had
Can make a good man
Turn bad
So please please please
Let me, let me, let me
Let me get what I want
This time
Haven't had a dream in a long time
See, the life I've had
Can make a good man bad
So for once in my life
Let me get what I want
Lord knows, it would be the first time
Lord knows, it would be the first time
Labels: morrissey, music, the smiths
Monday, May 24, 2010
and then some
Posted by Lesley at 11:00 PMSo I've been out of the blogging loop for some time now. My boy and I just moved house (actually we moved town also) and we didn't have Internet for some time.
There have been many things that I've wanted to blog about in weeks past but for the most part I've forgotten them all cos' I'm awesome that way but I will share with you a picture of a very lovely necklace I purchased just before the big move.
Isn't it darling? I seem to have a thing for silver bows at the moment and I'm not sure where it came from...
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
retro review #7
Posted by Lesley at 4:31 PMIt's time again for another retro review! this one is from March 2008 and reading this it occurs to me that I can't remember the last time I listened to this album. Time to remedy that me thinks. Do enjoy.x
Some bands have the ability to grab your attention from the get go, seemingly with little to no effort. Perth based indie four piece, The Silents are one such band.
From the first time I heard their debut EP, Flicker and Flames, I was hooked. Their raw garage rock resonance teamed with their somewhat psychedelic sounding lyrics and 90’s indie pop tendencies made them difficult to ignore.
Almost two years later and The Silents are set to release their debut full length album, Things To Learn and I for one could not be more excited.
The album is a perfect example of everything The Silents are and offer. This strong collection of well written and produced songs is one of the best Australian debuts of its kind to be released in a long time.
Stand out tracks include previous EP released numbers, ‘Nightcrawl’ and ‘23’ and current single, ‘Little Girl Lost’ as well as ‘Ophelia’, ‘Generation Space’ and the title track, ‘Things To Learn’.
The Silents are a band well worth keeping an ear out for. In their short time together they’ve released two successful EP’s one amazing album and toured extensively including support slots alongside the likes of Maximo Park, The Vines, You Am I and Black Rebel Motorcycle Club.
Where they’ll go next is anyone’s guess but there’s no denying wherever it is, it’ll be great. The Silents are Oz legends in the making and are quickly becoming one of my favourite bands to boot. So get out there and buy their album, Things To Learn (out March 29 through Ivy League Records). Chances are - You’re going to love it.
Labels: music, retro review
Sunday, March 28, 2010
a fishy find
Posted by Lesley at 5:05 PMI really don't think you can ever have too much Whimsy in your life and whats more whimsical then this adorably gorgeous (and somewhat upsetting...) bath plug. Very cute. If I had a bath currently I would definitely buy this.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
retro review #6
Posted by Lesley at 5:08 PMAnother retro review. This one is from April 08 and I love this album now so much more then I did when I wrote this... enjoy.x
We Are Scientists - Brain Thrust Mastery
Having released an incredible debut LP with, With Love And Squalor it was always going to be a trial for We Are Scientists to come up with a follow up which could top it.
Since the release of their new album, Brain Thrust Mastery I’ve given up on the idea of them being able to “top it” and resigned myself to the fact that the once distinctive We Are Scientists ‘sound’ is no more.
It’s difficult to say what brought about this change in the two years between releases but the one obvious difference is the loss of drummer, Michael Tapper. The abrupt change in style could be due to his absence or his absence could have been because of the style change. At the moment it’s really just a matter for the chicken vs. egg court.
Despite any initial disappointments I may have felt upon hearing Brain Thrust Mastery I can’t seem to help but be drawn into it’s many charms and favours. Even without the addition of Tapper the boys from Brooklyn have a certain quirky appeal which set them apart from the others.
Remaining members Keith Murray and Chris Cain’s new found appreciation for the 80’s does not go unnoticed with many tracks having a distinctively Duran Duran-esque vibe. Including current single ‘After Hours’, which has managed to stake it’s claim as one of the albums highlights.
Other noteworthy tracks include the addictive opener, ‘Ghouls’ as well as ‘Lets See It’, ‘Impatience’, ‘Spoken For’ and ‘That’s What Counts’.
During an American tour last year Murray and Cain were seen to be taking the stage before each set, testing out their stand-up comedy routine. It’s antics like this which guarantee We Are Scientists remain one of the more interesting bands on the indie scene. Their wit and humour keeping them from fading into obscurity.
If you’re already a WAS fan then by all means check out Brain Thrust Mastery but be sure to keep an open mind. I promise you it won’t be what you expect.
Labels: music, retro review
best news all year!
Posted by Lesley at 4:08 PM
Just found out (thanks to nme.com) that the amazing Carl Barat has finished recording his solo album!!!! There's no official release date yet but I could not be more excited!!!! YAY!
Apparently it's going to be quite different from anything he's done in the past. Less guitar, more piano. I can not wait to hear what he's come up with. I should go before I hyperventilate...
Labels: carl barat, music
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Pretty as a peach...wait that doesn't work...hmm
Posted by Pages at 4:01 PM Let the Apple vs Microsoft debate continue to roar on but as for myself I've never wanted a Mac the frustration level is just too high and the exit page cross is in the wrong corner I don't care what people say. But then I discovered this delicious piece of user art and found myself cursing my little Toshiba logo on the lid of my lappy wishing I too could have a wickedly tasty housing for my screen and keys le sigh..
Labels: Apple Mac, Disney, Snow white
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
in love love love
Posted by Lesley at 10:34 PM
Robert Downey Jr's Oscars outift is pretty much my favourite thing ever atm! He looks so adorably dashing. Quirk factor is right up there but not in a laughable way. Chic. Tres Chic.
Labels: fashion
Monday, March 8, 2010
retro review #5
Posted by Lesley at 6:26 PMAnother old review. This one is from April 2008 and reading this has inspired me to go dig this album out and give it a spin. enjoy.x
Every now and then a new band comes along who capture your imagination and heart in equal measure. Every time you hear them you get a little thrill and you just know you’re going to love whatever they do next.
At the moment that band for me is the ever lovely London based five piece, Cajun Dance Party. They released 2 singles last year both of which I feel head over heels for from the first listen. And now, finally, they’re releasing their debut album, The Colourful Life.
As most people are aware there is an unofficial rule that when you anticipate greatness there’s always a chance you’re going to be disappointed. Thankfully my blind trust in Cajun Dance Party to release an amazing debut was not in vain.
The standouts include previous singles, ‘The Next Untouchable’, ‘Amylase’ and ‘The Race’ as well as the ‘The Firework’, ‘Buttercup’ and the beautifully melancholy ‘Time Falls’.
The Colourful Life is everything I hoped it to be - vibrant, fun, memorable and inspired. All of which is made just that little bit more impressive by one simple fact. Cajun Dance Party is made up of a group of 18 year olds.
These truly talented teens give me more hope for the future of music then almost any other band on the scene today. Their fresh, optimistic and somewhat naïve approach to music is already leading them to amazing places.
Not only are they releasing their debut this month they also have plans to release their sophomore album later in the year after they’ve finished high school. Which is, if nothing else, inspiringly ambitious.
Cajun Dance Party are without a doubt a band to watch for. They’re already proving their worth and it’s still early days. These kids could go anywhere and chances are they will. So give The Colourful Life a listen. It’ll make a fantastic addition to any indie lovers music collection.
Labels: music, retro review
colour by fashion
Posted by Lesley at 5:18 PMSunday, March 7, 2010
city of lights
Posted by Lesley at 6:26 PMI want want want this lamp! so pretty! if only it wasn't sold out... damn you modcloth!
I take it back... I love you!
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
the holy grail of shoes
Posted by Lesley at 2:10 PMNever again will I tell myself I'm too broke to browse my favourite shopping sites. Never again will I avoid the temptations of fashion glory because due to my seemingly sensible thriftiness I have missed out on the most lovely shoes I have ever laid eyes on.
These amazing Andy Warhol inspired pieces of wearable art will haunt me until either the day I acquire a pair or the day I die. Whichever comes first... I'm going to go lick my wounds in private. Please excuse me...
oh and by the way if you're wondering where I found these they're at modcloth.com and they only have 1 pair left at the moment in a 6.5 which is certainty not my size. le sigh
Labels: andy warhol, fashion, modcloth, wishlist
Sunday, February 28, 2010
retro review #4
Posted by Lesley at 5:24 PMAnother retro review, this one's from June 2008. Hope you enjoy.

For a band who were considering calling it a day, The Futureheads are doing surprisingly well. The four piece, north-east UK rock-popsters have recently released their third full length album entitled, This Is Not The World.
The Futureheads hit the scene in 2004 in quite a big way with their debut self titled LP. Their immediate, catchy tunes and pop punk sensibilities ensured them an almost instantaneous dedicated fan following.
2006; however, saw many people with a strong sense of disillusionment at The Futureheads sound and direction. With their Sophomore album, News and Tributes being far more polished and mainstream then their original efforts.
Two years later the boys seem to have both returned to their roots and taken a few giant steps forward. This Is Not The World is everything you could possibly want from a Futureheads release.
The album takes no time at all to fall in love with. It’s simple and memorable formula is what good pop music is all about. From first listen you’ll be humming the opening track (and coincidentally, the first single), ‘The Beginning Of The Twist’.
Other undeniably stand out tracks include ‘Think Tonight’, ‘Hard To Bear’, ‘Work Is Never Done’, ‘Everything’s Changing Today’ and the current single, ‘Radio Heart’ which I has been stuck in my head for what seems like days now.
Don’t get me wrong, This Is Not The World is nowhere near one of the best albums I’ve heard of late. I can’t imagine it becoming a future ‘classic’ release, far from it but it’s without a doubt fun and likeable. The kind of album which lifts your spirits and increases the urge to embarrass yourself on the dance floor (either literally or figuratively).
If you’ve yet to hear this album then I strongly recommend getting down to your local record store and grabbing yourself a copy. Your CD player will thank you for it.
Labels: music, retro review, the futureheads
Sunday, February 21, 2010
bang bang you're dead
Posted by Lesley at 4:11 PM
This costume is genius! I would wear this just to go shopping. It's brilliant!
I need someone with sewing skills to help me make one.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Posted by Lesley at 9:44 PMLabels: makeup
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
not goodbye
Posted by Lesley at 4:47 PMI have many current wants (as is my nature) but 3 of them happen to come from the same place so I thought I'd post them here...
and they are -
The first one is a pocket watch and while it's kind of kitsch I just adore it. The second is a pair of vintage shoes that might not even fit me but I like them nonetheless. The last is what I've been looking for. A fire engine red dress in a style I like. Tres cute.
What do you think?