Cary Grant was the original leading man. His charisma, charm, good looks and unquenchable talent made him unique. Not only that but lovable and idealistic.
He's a man's man and a ladies man in equal measure. He was a scene stealer if ever there was one. He is the embodiment of the silver screen.
Don't get me wrong he went on to make many a colour film but it's the classic black and white films that make me love him. In fact I think I've only seen two of his films in colour and while his acting is still remarkable they don't really do much for his appearance. I was going to try and be tactful but I don't really think I can.
In black and white, Cary Grant is debonair. He is gut churningly handsome but in colour... well, he looks a little like an old handbag. Thats right, he looks leather. It's really not too desirable but also having said that one of his greatest (and most heartbreaking) films is in colour. An Affair to Remember. I've only seen it the once but it nearly killed me.
My dearest friend and I rented it one day last year for the sole reason that we hadn't seen it. All up I'd say we cried for a good hour and a half. Such a draining film. I told myself (and others) that I'd never watch it again but these days I'm not so sure. It had to have been good to inspired such a dramatic response.
The main reason I'm writing this blog though is to recommend two particular films, both of which co-star the lovely Katherine Hepburn. The first is called Holiday and the second is The Philadelphia Story. Both are glorious.

Yeah the colour years just don't look good, he looks orange like an ompa lompa...
poor cary.
I've seen so many Cary Grant movies! Its true that in "To catch a Thief" and "Charade" he is a bit orangey but still such a handsome devil! I have also seen "The Philadelphia Story" and Loved every minute! Though, I have to say, MY ALL TIME FAVORITE NEVER GONNA GIVE UP TRUE BLUE HANDS DOWN MOST BESTEST LEADING MAN is Paul Newman! GOSH DARNIT. Do a post with lots of pictures of him and you will never get me off your site.
OMG Paul Newman in "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid" sooooo pretty! Note to self, rent Cool hand Luke.
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