Saturday, November 14, 2009

whats the use of crying?

Though your heart is aching..even though its breaking" I love this, so beautifully tragic, for me it always feels like the performer is talking to themselves not just a friend. As if they're trying to convince themselves of something that they maybe don't quite believe, (except the Michael Buble version which I suggest you steer clear form). I mean if I was going to try and cheer someone else up this wouldn't be the song i'd play, i'd probably go for something like Mental as Anythings 'Live it up' lol.

Smile is one of my favorite songs, I was downloading different versions this morning, all wonderful and I came across this one of the incomparable Judy Garland and it was the only version that actually made me cry and in so became my favorite version of this...lovely but oh so beautifully tragic masterpiece.


Lesley said...

lovely Judy.x thanks for posting this!

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